Award Management
Fulfilling Sponsor Expectations
Award documents (e.g., Notice of Award, or a fully executed award agreement) will outline sponsor expectations and will generally reference terms and conditions, timelines for financial and technical reports and deliverables, compliance requirements, and other valuable information related to the project. They may also reference when sponsor approval must be sought for modifications/changes to budgetary/administrative or technical work. Knowledge of federal guidelines, sponsor referenced documents, and university policies are the responsibility of the Principal Investigator. The notification or award letter should be reviewed at the time of receipt by the Principal Investigator and the assigned research administrator. For questions related to the terms and conditions of an award, contact the assigned Sponsored Research Officer.
Financial Monitoring Resources
Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs (ASRSP) is a valuable resource to assist with post award financial transaction questions, effort reporting, and compliance activities. Several resources available for award monitoring and management are:
Data Integrity
Data integrity within Northwestern’s systems is critically important for reports generated for use by the Principal Investigator, the departments and schools, central offices, the university at all levels, as well as reports to agencies. If information does not appear to be accurate, contact Sponsored Research, or ASRSP to update award information within the applicable system(s).