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Progress Reports

Most sponsors require the submission of a progress report. Progress reports that include administrative elements, regardless of whether the sponsor requires signature from the university, must be submitted to Sponsored Research for review. 


Compliance with reporting requirements is critical to ensuring continued funding of the University’s research. Failure to submit the required reports can have serious consequences, not only for the individual PI(s), but for the University as a whole. 

In order to ensure compliance, Sponsored Research leadership may decide to withhold proposal submissions for faculty with significantly late progress reports until all reports are submitted.

CERES Continuation Routing

When a progress report requires signature or submission by Sponsored Research, such as through Commons or to a pass-through entity, a CERES Continuation record is needed. All proposals, including Continuations, should be routed to SR at least five business days prior to the requested deadline to ensure sufficient time for review and correction, if needed.  

Reports Due to NIH & NSF

Click on the links below to access lists of due and overdue progress reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF).  Note: Current NU NetID required to access files. Lists are updated monthly. Last update: 01/02/25.


Institutional Contacts  

Please list the following contacts: