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Sponsored Research Listserv

The Sponsored Research listserv is the primary means for communicating news and events, sponsor and policy changes, and system updates that affect the entire Northwestern research community. The listserv is a strictly moderated list with all messages originating from or being sent by Sponsored Research on behalf of an institutional partner. There is no community forum or open discussion on the listserv.

Subscribe to the Sponsored Research Listserv

  1. Log in to the email account you want to use to subscribe.
  2. Compose a new plain text email. Fill in the email as follows:
  • To:
  • Subject:
  • Body: SUBSCRIBE Sponsored_Research [FirstName] [LastName]

Note: Do not include a signature in the email body. The signature will stop your subscription from going through. The only thing in the body of the email should be the SUBSCRIBE commands. For example, SUBSCRIBE Sponsored_Research Willie Wildcat

     3.  Send the email.

Northwestern Research Administration Contacts

Professional Development for Research Administrators