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NSF Policy and Procedure Changes

May 3, 2022

Disclosures, Proposal Prep, and How You Can Prepare

The National Science Foundation recently released updated current and pending support resources and a “For comment” draft of the next edition of the PAPPG. Read on to find out what this means for you.

Preparing a new proposal? Check out updated resources on the NSF website.

Whether you are preparing a new NSF proposal or performing regular biosketch and other support maintenance, be sure to reference the latest versions of the following resources available on the NSF website:

Table updates include clarification on how to disclose the contributions of postdoctoral scholars, students, and visiting scholars, as well as a definition of honoraria.

In the updated Current and Pending Support FAQs, the NSF specifically calls out the discontinuation of the fillable PDF format. You can currently still use fillable forms to submit other support, but as it stands, upon implementation the next PAPPG (NSF 23-1) in January 2023 you will be required to use SciENcv to submit this information. Outlined below are the first of the notable changes in the “For comment” PAPPG that you need to prepare for.

What’s changing and two simple steps to take now

The “For comment” draft of the next Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) provides an early look at how NSF plans to execute NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance and what procedural changes you can expect when the final PAPPG goes into effect next year. The comment period closes June 13.

The most noticeable impacts on researchers and research administrators will be:

  • required use of SciENcv to prepare biosketches and other support
  • additional disclosure requirements
  • required certifications

The two simple steps that you – or the PIs that you support – can take now to prepare for these changes are:

  1. Ensure that you have a SciENcv profile that is up to date
  2. Obtain an ORCiD and link your ORCiD to Northwestern

More about the new requirements

The “For Comment” PAPPG features two entirely new sections: Chapter II.B NSF Disclosure Requirements (page II-2) and Chapter IX.C Research Security (page IX-4). Both feature language consistent with the disclosure requirements outlined in the NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance. The practical impacts of changes outlined in these sections and elsewhere in the documents are:

  • SciENcv document preparation: A biosketch and current and pending support information must be provided separately for each individual designated as senior personnel on a proposal via SciENcv. SciENcv will produce NSF-compliant versions of the biosketch and support information, which senior personnel must submit as part of the proposal via or
  • Certification via SciENcv: Senior personnel will be required to use SciENcv to certify that the information provided in their biosketch and current and pending support documents are accurate, current, and complete.
  • Additional foreign support disclosures: While existing NSF coverage already included the requirement to report foreign support, new text requires reporting participation in programs supported by foreign governments, instrumentalities or entities, including foreign government-sponsored, talent recruitment programs.
  • Required other support updates: NSF will require senior personnel on potential awards to submit updated Current and Pending Support information prior to award, as well as part of the annual and final reports if there has been a change in active other support since submission of the proposal.
  • Correction of nondisclosures: If an organization discovers that a PI or co-PI on an active NSF award failed to disclose current support or in-kind contribution information as part of the proposal submission process, an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) must submit the information within 30 calendar days of the identification of the nondisclosure.

PAPPG “For Comment” Draft: Review and Comment Period

The “For comment” draft of the PAPPG can be found on the NSF Policy Office website. Revisions are highlighted in yellow and explanatory comments are included in the margins throughout the document. If you would like to submit feedback, send comments by June 13, 2022, to: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation. For complete details view the notice in the Federal Register announcing the availability of the “For comment” draft.