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Award Set-Up

Establishing Sponsored Project Chart Strings

Once a unilateral or fully executed award agreement has been received by Sponsored Research, it is matched with a proposal, logged into the award information management system, and through a series of business processes will be assigned a chart string in the University’s financial system. SR appropriates the award funding in accordance with the approved budget.  For awards with conventional Research Terms and Conditions (RTC), Sponsored Research will open a standard set of NUFinancials budgetary accounts.  Review information related to RTC and Agency Specific RTCs.

Standard Budgetary Accounts

The following is the standard set of budget account codes that SR opens on grants where there is not otherwise a prohibition. Note: The availability of a given code does not authorize its use on a sponsored project unless all four cost accounting principles (allowability, allocability, reasonability, consistent treatment) are met. Usage is further subject to sponsor-specific restrictions and/or required prior approvals. Liability for proper use resides with the PI and department.

  • 60010   Academic Personnel
  • 60100   Non-Academic Personnel
  • 60180   Fringe Benefits
  • 60210   Non-Academic Temp, Work Study
  • 73000   Supplies
  • 73351   Radioactive
  • 73900   Library Materials
  • 75000   Services
  • 75001   Consultant Services
  • 75491   Space Rental
  • 75810   Alterations and Renovations
  • 76000   Physical Plant Properties
  • 76761   Travel, Domestic
  • 76762   Travel, Foreign
  • 76776   Travel, Student
  • 76781   Visa/Intl Office Fee
  • 76900   Utilities and Telephone
  • 76951   International Long Distance
  • 77000   - Equip Under $5000
  • 77500   Capital Equipment
  • 77536   Fabricated Equip - In Progress
  • 78001   Stipend
  • 78021   Tuition

Project Account Summary (PAS)

The PI and department will be sent a copy of the Project Account Summary (PAS) once a chart string has been established. The PI and department are responsible for reviewing the information provided in the PAS and the award documentation. Sponsored Research should be notified if corrections are needed to the PAS. Expenditures must adhere to cost accounting principles, Northwestern policies, and sponsor terms and conditions. Questions about properly classifying expenditures should be directed to Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs (ASRSP).